Publications |
Bein D, Bein W, Venigella S.
Cloud Storage and Online Bin Packing,
IDC 2011, Delft
in print. Preliminary Version:
Bein W, Hatta N, Hernandez-Cons N, Ito H, Kasahara S, and Kawahara J, An online algorithm optimally self-tuning to congestion for power management problems, Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA2011), LNCS, Springer, # ****, pp. ***--***, Saabrucken, Germany, Sept. 8--9, 2011. (to appear)
Bein W, Larmore LL, Noga J. Reischuk R.
Knowledge State Algorithms. Algorithmica, 60(3), (2011), 653-678.
Bein W, Iwama K, Kawahara J, Larmore L, Oravec J.
A Randomized Algorithm for Two Servers in Cross Polytope Spaces.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 412(7): 563-572 (2011)
Bein W, Jeffery C. Towards an Openness Rating System for Open Source Software. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (CD-ROM), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2010.
Bein D, Bein W, Phoha S. Efficient Data Centers, Cloud Computing in the Future of Distributed Computing, 7th International Conference on Information Technology, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2010.
Bein W, Golin MJ, Larmore LL, Zhang Y.
The Knuth-Yao quadrangle-inequality speedup is a
consequence of total-monotonicity. Journal Version.
ACM Transactions on Algorithms,
6(1), 2009, 17 pages.
Bein D, Bein W, Maduraju P.
The Impact of Cloud Computing on Web 2.0,
Economy Informatics Journal, Vol. 9, No. 1/2009,
Bein W, Bein D, Malladi S. Fault Tolerant Coverage Model for Sensor Networks.
Internation Journal of Sensor Networks. Vol. 5(4), (2009) 199-209.
Bein W, Larmore LL, Morales L, Sudborough IH.
A Quadratic Time 2-Approximation Algorithm for Block Sorting.
Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 410, No. 8-10 (2009) 711 - 717.
Bein WW, Epstein L, Larmore LL, Noga J, Optimally Competitive List Batching.
Journal Version.
Theoretical Computer Science, 410, No. 38-40 (2009), pp. 3631--3639.
Bein WW, Larmore LL, Reischuk R. Knowledge States for the Caching Problem
in Shared Memory Multiprocessor Systems. Journal Version.
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Vol. 20, No. 1 (2009) 167-183
Bein W, Latifi S, Morales L, and Sudborough IH.
Bounding the Size of k-Tuple Covers.
Proceedings of the 42st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (CD-ROM),
IEEE Computer Society Press, 2009 (10 pages).
Bein W, Iwama K, Kawahara J. Randomized Competitive Analysis for
Two-Server Problems.
Journal Version.
Algorithms, Algorithms, Volume 1, 30-42, 2008
Bein W, Correa J, Han X. A Fast Asymptotic Approximation Scheme for Bin Packing with Rejection.
Journal Version. Theoretical Computer Science, 393, No 1-3 (2008), pp. 14--22.
Bein W, Iwama K, Kawahara J. Randomized Competitive Analysis for
Two-Server Problems.
16th Annual European Symposium, Karlsruhe, Germany, September 15-17,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Vol. 5193: 161-172, 2008
Bein D, Bein W. Wireless communication in ubiquitous environments,
an easy target to attacks, Proceedings of the 7th RoEduNet
International Conference, pages 17-20, UT Press, ISBN 978-973-662-393-6.
Bein W, Noga J, and Wiegley J.
Approximation for Batching via
Priorities. Scientific Annals of Computer Science.
Al I. Cuza University. Volume XVII, 2007, p. 1-18.
Bein W, Noga J, and Wiegley J.
Priority Approximation for Batching.
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (CD-ROM),
IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008 (10 pages).
Bein D, Bein W, Meng Z, Morales L, Shilds CO, and Sudborough IH.
Clustering and the Biclique Partition Problem.
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (CD-ROM),
IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008 (10 pages).
Adusumilli K, Bein D, Bein W.
A Genetic Algorithm for the Two Machine Flow Shop Problem.
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (CD-ROM),
IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008 (8 pages).
Bein W, Larmore LL, Reischuk R.
Knowledge States: A Tool for Randomized Online Algorithms,
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (CD-ROM),
IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008 (10 pages).
Bein W, Correa J, Han X. A Fast Asymptotic Approximation Scheme for Bin Packing with Rejection.
Proceesings 1st International Symposium, ESCAPE 2007, Hangzhou, China, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LLNCS 4614,
2007, pages 209-218.
Bein W, Larmore L, Noga J.
Uniform Metrical Task Systems with a Limited Number of States.
Journal Version. Information Processing Letters, 104(4): 123-128, 2007.
Bein D, Bein W, Cazacu AM, Brut M.
Why is hard to patent an invention?
ICIE 2007, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on
Informatics in Economy (ICIE 2007), pages 133-138, ASE Printing House.
Bein W.
Copyright, an Incentive or a Burden?
ICIE 2007, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on
Informatics in Economy (ICIE 2007), pages , ASE Printing House.
Bein W, Larmore L, Noga J.
Equitable Revisited.
Proceesings 15th Annual European Symposium,
Eilat, Israel, October 8-10, 2007, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4698: 419-426, Springer Verlag, 2007.
Bein W, Iwama K, Kawahara J, Larmore L, Oravec J.
A Randomized Algorithm for Two Servers in Cross Polytope Spaces.
Proceesings 5th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA)
Eilat, Israel, October 11-12, 2007, WAOA 2007, 2008, Springer Verlag,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 4927, 246 - 259,
Bein W, Larmore LL, Reischuk R. Knowledge States Algorithms: Randomization
with Limited Information.
Unpublished. Available at Arxiv:, 2007.
Bein W, Golin MJ, Larmore LL, Zhang Y.
The Knuth-Yao quadrangle-inequality speedup is a
consequence of total-monotonicity.
Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete
Algorithms, SODA 2006, Miami, Florida, USA, January 22-26, 2006.
ACM Press, 2006: 31-40
Bein D, Bein W, Jolly V, Latifi S. Guarding against Web Spoofing and
Phishing Attacks, Proceedings of the 5th RoEduNet IEEE International
Conference, Remus Brad (Ed.), L. Blaga University Press, Sibiu, 2006,
pages 106 - 109, ISBN (10) 973-739-277-9.
Bein D, Bein W, Malladi S. Fault Tolerant Coverage Model for Sensor Networks.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational
Science 2005. (ICCS 2005), Atlanta, Georgia, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Volume 3515, 2005, pages 535-542.
Bein W, Iwama I, Larmore LL, Noga J, The Delayed k-Server Problem.
Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Fundamentals of
Computation Theory, Luebeck, Germany,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3623, Springer Verlag, 2005, pages 281 - 292.
Bein W, Larmore LL, Morales L, Sudborough IH.
A Faster and Simpler 2-Approximation Algorithm for Block
Sorting. Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on
Fundamentals of Computation Theory, Luebeck, Germany, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 3623, Springer Verlag, 2005, pages 115-124.
Bein W, Larmore LL, Noga J. A Better Algorithm for Uniform
Metrical Task Systems with Few States, Proceedings of the
8th International Symposium on Parallel Architectures,
Algorithms and Networks. IEEE Computer Society, 2005, 94 - 99.
Bein W, Brucker P, Larmore LL., Park JK. The Algebraic Monge
Property and Path Problems.
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 145(3): 455-464 (2005).
Bein WW, Brucker P, Hoffman AJ.
Series parallel composition of greedy linear programming problems.
Reprinted in:
A. J. Hoffman (Author), Charles A. Micchelli (Editor), Selected Papers of Alan Hoffman: With Commentary. World Scientific Publishing Company,
353 - 366, (2003)
Bein D, Bein W, Jolly V, Latifi S.
Privacy and Security on Internet: Virtual Private Networks, RoEduNet 2004,
Timisoara, Romania, Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science,
vol 49(63), pages 39-42, 2004.
Bein WW, Bein D, Brajkovska N, Latifi S. An Optimal Embedding of Honeycomb
Networks into Hypercubes.
Parallel Processing Letters, Vol. 14, Nos. 3,4, 367-375, (2004).
Bein WW, Epstein L, Larmore LL, Noga J, Optimally Competitive List Batching.
In Proceedings of the 9th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory,Copenhagen,
Denmark, 2004, 77 - 89.
Bein WW, Larmore LL. Trackless and Limited –Bookmark Algorithms for
Paging, SIGACT News, 35(2):40 -49 (2004).
Bein WW, Larmore LL, Reischuk R. Knowledge States for the Caching Problem
in Shared Memory Multiprocessor Systems. In Proceedings of the 7th International
Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks - ISPAN 2004,
IEEE, Hong Kong, 2004, 307 - 312.
Bein WW, Larmore LL, Shields C, and Sudborough IH. Embedding a Complete Binary
Tree into a Three-Dimensional Grid. Journal of Interconnection Networks, 5(2):
111-130 (2004).
Bein WW, Malicious Internet Use and Homeland Security. In Proceedings of
the Networking in Education and Research International Conference, Iasi, Romania,
(2003), 23 - 26.
Bein WW, Coombs JS, Taghva K. A Method for Calculating Term Similarity on
Large Document Collections. In Proceedings of the International Symposium
on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, ITCC 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada,
IEEE Computer Society, (2003), 199 - 203.
Bein WW, Larmore LL, Latifi S, Sudborough IH. Block Sorting is Hard. International
Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 14 (3): 425-437 (2003).
Bein WW, Chrobak M, Larmore LL. The 3-Server Problem in the Plane. Theoretical
Computer Science, 289(1): 335-354 (2002).
Bein WW, Brucker P, Larmore LL., Park JK. Fast Algorithms with Algebraic
Monge Properties. In Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Mathematical
Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2002) Warsaw, Poland, August 2002, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2420, Springer Verlag (2002), 104-117.
Bein WW, Larmore LL, Shields C, and Sudborough IH. Fixed Layer Embeddings
of Binary Trees. In Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Parallel
Architectures, Algorithms and Networks (ISPAN 2002), Manila, Philippines,
IEEE Computer Society (2002), 281-288.
Bein WW, Larmore LL, Latifi S, and Sudborough IH. Block sorting is hard.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Parallel Architectures,
Algorithms and Networks (ISPAN 2002), Manila, Philippines, IEEE Computer Society
(2002), 349 - 354.
Bein, WW, Hendricks BJ. Pitfalls with Adaptive Methods for Combinatorial
Optimization: The Traveling Salesman - A Case Study. In Proceedings of the
International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine
and Biological Sciences - METMBS 2002, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 2002, CSREA
Press (2002), Volume I, 243 - 248.
Bein WW, Fleischer R, and Larmore LL, Limited bookmark randomized online
algorithms for the paging problem.Information Processing Letters, 76: 155-162
Bein WW, Larmore LL, Trackless Online Algorithms for the Server Problem.
Information Processing Letters, 74: 73-79 (2000).
Bein WW, Larmore LL, Shields C, and Sudborough IH. Three-Dimensional Embedding
of Binary Trees. In Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Parallel
Architectures, Algorithms and Networks - ISPAN 2000, Dallas, Texas, IEEE Computer
Society, (2000),140 - 147.
Gobi R, Latifi S, Bein WW. Adaptive Sorting Algorithms for Evaluation of Automatic Zoning Employed in OCR Devices, in Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology - CISST 2000, CSREA Press, (2000), 253 -259.
Bein, WW, Hendricks BJ. Artificial Neural Network Architectures via Genetic
Algorithms using Nested Graph Grammars. In Proceedings of the International
Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological
Sciences - METMBS '00, Las Vegas, Nevada, CSREA Press, Volume II, (2000),
575 - 578.
Bein WW, Chrobak M, Larmore LL. The 3-Server Problem in the Plane. (Extended
Abstract), in Nesetril J, Algorithms - ESA'99, 7th Annual European Symposium,
Prague, Czech Republic, July 1999, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, 1643, Springer Verlag, (1999), 301-312.
Bein WW, Pathak PK. A Characterization of the Monge Property and its Connection
to Statistics, Demonstratio Mathematica, Vol. XXIX, No. 2, 451-457 (1996).
Bein WW, Brucker P, Park JK, Pathak PK. A Monge Property for the d-Dimensional
Transportation Problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 58: 97-109 (1995).
Chang LC, Bein WW, Angel E. Surface intersection using parallelism. Computer-Aided
Geometric Design, 11: 39-69, (1994).
Bein WW, Brucker P, Hoffman AJ. Series Parallel Composition of Greedy Linear
Programming Problems. Mathematical Programming, 62: 1-14 (1993).
Bein WW, Kamburowski J, Stallmann MFM. Optimal Reduction of Two-Terminal
Directed Acyclic Graphs. SIAM J. Computing, 21: 1112-1129 (1992).
Chang LC, Bein WW, Angel E. Surface Intersection using
Parallel Subdivision. Supercomputer, 40: 62-70 (1991).
Bein WW, Brucker P, Stallmann MFM. A Characterization of Network Representable
Polymatriods. Zeitschrift fuer Operations Research, 35: 267-272 (1991).
Bein WW, Brucker P. An O(nlogn)-Algorithm for a Special Class of Linear Programs.
Computing, 1989, 42: 309-113 (1989).
Bein WW, Brucker P. Greedy Concepts for Network Flow Problems. Discrete Applied
Mathematics, 1986, 15: 135-144 (1986).
Bein WW, Brucker P, Tamir A. Minimum Cost Flow Algorithms for Series Parallel
Networks. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 10: 117-124, (1985).
Bein WW. On Dynamic Leontief Models. Methods of Operations Research, 46, 197-206 (1983).