Data Transfer Instructions

Load, Store, Prefetch, Load Store Unsigned Byte, Swap, and Compare and Swap are the only instructions that access memory. All of the instructions except Compare and Swap use either two r registers or an r register and simm13 to calculate a 64-bit byte memoryaddress. Compare and Swap uses a single r register to specify a 64-bit byte memoryaddress. To this 64-bit address, the IU appends an ASI that encodes address space information.

The destination field of a memory reference instruction specifies the r or f register(s) that supply the data for a store or receive the data from a load or LDSTUB. For SWAP, the destination register identifies the r register to be exchanged atomically with the calculated memory location. For Compare and Swap, an r register is specified whose value is compared with the value in memory at the computed address. If the values are equal, the destination field specifies the r register that is to be exchanged atomically with the addressed memory location. If the values are unequal, the destination field specifies the r register that is to receive the value at the addressed memory location; in this case, the addressed memory location remains unchanged.

The destination field of a PREFETCH instruction is used to encode the type of the prefetch. Integer load and store instructions support byte (8-bit), halfword (16-bit), word (32-bit), and doubleword (64-bit) accesses. Floating-point load and store instructions support word, doubleword, and quadword memory accesses. LDSTUB accesses bytes, SWAP accesseswords, and CAS accesses words or doublewords. PREFETCH accesses at least 64 bytes.