Let M be an NTM. Then, we can encode all configurations of M as binary strings. Let be the binary encoding of a configuration x. We will need to insist that always ends with 1: this will allow us to "pad" with zeros later in the proof. (See "Padding" below.) We can make sure that there are constants A and B such that: If the length of x is m, the length of is no more than A + Bm. The values of A and B depend on M, but for each M, they are constant. Theorem: Given an NTM M, there exist constants A,B,C such that: For any input string w, and for any t-step computation of M with input w resulting in configuration x, the length of is no more than A + B|w| + Ct. Again, the values of A, B, and C depend on M, but for each M, they are constant. Remark: Given a configuration x whose encoding has length p, we represent x as an assignment of the Boolean variables b_1, b_2, ... b_p. That is: b_i is true if and only if the i^{th} bit of is 1. Padding: Given a configuration x whose encoding has length q, where q < p, we can represent x as an assignment of the Boolean variables b_1, b_2, ... b_p, where b_{q+1} ... b_p are all false. Because b_q = true, we can tell the actual length of .