The Context-Free Grammar Equivalence Problem

Two grammars G1 and G2 are defined to be equivalent if they generate the same language.

The grammar equivalence problem is the problem of deciding whether two context-free grammars are equivalent. This problem is undecidable . Suppose that, in a homework problem or a test, I ask you to find a context-free grammar that generates a given language, or is equivalent to a given context-free grammar. Grading this homework then becomes an impossible problem!

You could give me a correct answer to the question which is so complex that I could not decide whether it is correct. In fact, theoretically, you could give me a correct answer which is impossible to prove correct. (Of course, it would be impossible for you to do this deliberately, because you, yourself, would be unable to prove it correct.)

So, what is the poor grader to do? My answer is this. If there is a simple and correct answer, and if you give a complicated but correct answer, and I cannot see that it is correct within a reasonable amount of time, I will mark it wrong. The alternative is to run the risk of sitting there grading that problem until the Day of Doom.

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