University of Nevada Las Vegas
Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering
School of Computer Science
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Computer Science 477/677: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Programming Problem: File Representation of a Binary Tree

Revised October 16, 2005.

A binary tree can be represented as a file of data in preorder together with a guide string. A guide string is a string of 2n+1 bits, where n is the number of nodes in the tree. If the binary tree is empty, the guide string is 0. Otherwise, the guide string is 1 followed by the guide string of the left subtree followed by the guide string of the right subtree.

For those of you who are taking, or who have taken, CS 456 or the equivalent, the language of guide strings has the following unambiguous context-free grammar whose start symbol is T:
  1. T -> 0
  2. T -> 1TT
If you draw the parse tree for a guide string using this grammar, and also draw the binary tree whose shape it encodes, you will see how it works. In fact, the guide string is its own leftmost derivation!