Definitions of any of these could be on the test. insertion sort (no pseudocode allowed). selection sort (no pseudocode allowed). merge sort (no pseudocode allowed). master theorem for recurrences (state a given version of the theorem in one page or less). stack, queue, heap. linear search (of an array) binary search (of an array) comparison computation model. Big O, Omega, or Theta (abstract definitions needed, no "for instance" allowed in the answer.) "Divide and conquer" technique (not just for sorting, but for anything). Recursion technique (not just for sorting, but for anything). Dynamic programming technique (this will not be on the exam of Feb 24). All of these refer to the asymptotic growth of a monotone increasing function F(n): constant linear growth quadratic growth polynomial growth exponential growth logarithmic growth polylogarithmic growth. Array implementation of a heap. (If I finish it in Thursday's lecture.)