Computer Science 477/677
Design and Analysis of Algorithms

CSC 477/677 Study Guide for the First Midterm Examination Spring 2004

  1. There will be true/false questions. Look at old tests for a list of sample true/false questions.
  2. There will be some definitions and fill-in-the-blank questions.
  3. There may be a simple question about complexity, involving big O, Omega, and Theta.
  4. There will be a number of questions involving recurrences. Most of them will be short.
  5. There will be a question about quicksort that will require you to know the loop invariant. (I might ask you to write pseudocode.)
  6. There may be another question about one of the other sorting algorithms we've discussed.
  7. Review the homework assignments.
  8. I have posted exams from three prior semesters. If a question that you see on one of those exams is not related to anything we've covered in class so far this semester, then don't worry: it will not be on our February 24 exam.