Computer Science 456/656: Automata and Formal Languages
Fall 1998
This page will be updated frequently.
Most recent update: December 3, 1998.
Reading Assignment, September 3: Read Chapter 3 of the textbook, pages
Do these problems
and hand them in September 8 in class.
Reading Assignment, September 14: Read Chapter 4 of the textbook, pages
100-134. Finish that reading by September 17.
Do these problems
and hand them in September 17 in class.
Reading Assignment, September 24:
Read Chapter 5 of the textbook, pages 135-154.
Finish that reading by September 29.
Do these problems
and hand them in September 29 in class.
Reading Assignment, September 29:
Read Chapter 6 of the textbook, pages 163-191.
Finish that reading by October 1.
Do these problems
by October 15. Do not hand them in.
Don't forget the midterm examination on Thursday, October 15.
Reading Assignment, October 20:
Read Chapter 7 of the textbook, pages 198-232.
Finish that reading by October 27.
Do these problems
and hand them in October 29 in class.
Reading Assignment, October 20:
Read Chapter 8 of the textbook, pages 237-251.
Finish that reading by November 3.
Do these problems
and hand them in November 10 in class.
Reading Assignment, October 20:
Read Chapters 9 and 10 of the textbook, pages 257-305.
Finish that reading by November 17.
Do these problems
and hand them in November 24 in class.
Reading Assignment, November 17:
Read Sections 11.1, 11.2, 12.1, 12.2 of the textbook, pages 311-318 and
pages 335-342. Finish that reading by November 24.
Don't forget the examination on November 24.
Do these problems
and hand them in December 8 in class.
Reading Assignment, December 1:
Read Sections 14.1, 14.2, 14.1, 15.1, and 15.2 of the textbook, pages 395-423.
Finish that reading by December 8.
Don't forget the final examination on December 15. The scheduled time
for the final is 6:00 PM, and it will be of two hours duration.

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