CSC 477/677 Assignment 7
Due date, December 5, 2002, 5:30 PM.
This assignment is not to be turned in at all. But it would be a good
idea to work it.

Competitiveness is defined to be the ratio of the
cost (or benefit) of an algorithm operating with imperfect information
to the cost of a theoretical optimal algorithm which operates with perfect
Consider the "fairy tale" problem described on page 328 of your textbook.
Compute the deterministic competitiveness, and the
randomized competitiveness, of this problem.
Explain the difference between a Las Vegas algorithm and a Monte Carlo
algorithm. Is randomized quicksort a Las Vegas or a
Monte Carlo algorithm?
I have told you in class that boolean satisfiability
is NP-complete. But some special forms of that problem are
in the class P.
We say that a boolean expression is in 2-conjunctive normal
form if it is the conjunction of clauses where each clause is
the disjunction of two terms, each of which is a variable or the negative
of a variable. Here are some examples.
Find a polynomial time algorithm that decides whether a boolean expression
in 2-conjunctive normal form is satisfiable. Use your algorithm (by hand,
not by computer) to decide whether each of the three
examples is satisfiable.
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