University of Nevada Las Vegas
Howard R. Hughes
College of Engineering
School of Computer Science
My Home Page
Computer Science 477/677: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Fall 2005
Revised November 22, 2005.

Dr. Larmore
Office: TBE B378B.
Telephone ☎ 702-895-1096.
Office Hours:
8:00 -- 11:00 Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Graduate Assistant:
Premalatha Reguraman
Graduate Assistant Office Hours in TBE B361:
3:00 -- 4:00 Mondays and Wednesdays.
Time and Room: Tuesdays and Thursdays
11:30 - 12:45, TBE B174
Days of Instruction: August 30, 2005 -- December 8, 2005.
Holiday: November 24.
First examination will be September 22, 2005.
Second examination will be November 8, 2005.
Final Examination: Thursday
December 15, 2005, 10:10 - 12:10.
Computer Algorithms C++
Ellis Horowitz,
Sartaj Sahni, and
Sanguthevar Rajasekaran,
ISBN 0-7167-8315-0
Prerequisites: CSC 269 (data structures) and MAT 351 (Discrete Mathematics II).
Click here
if you did not take both
CSC 269 and MAT 351 at UNLV and receive a grade of "C" or better in
each of those two courses.
Graduate Students:
If you want graduate credit, you must enroll in 677, not 477.
Schedule of Classes and Tests
Programming Problems
Challenge Problems for Top Students