Computer Science 477/677: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Fall 1998
This page will be updated frequently.
Most recent update: December 3, 1998.
Reading Assignment, September 3: Read the Introduction of your textbook,
pages 1-19.
Do these problems
and hand them in September 8 in class.
Reading Assignment, September 14: Read Sections 2, 3, and 4 (except 4.4)
of your textbook, pages 23-64, before September 17.
Do these problems
and hand them in September 17 in class.
Reading Assignment, September 24: Read Section 5
of your textbook, pages 77-96, before September 29.
Do these problems
and hand them in September 29 in class.
Reading Assignment: Read Sections 7 and 8
of your textbook, pages 140-174, before October 1.
Reading Assignment: Read Sections 9 and 10
of your textbook, pages 172-194, by October 15.
Do these problems
and hand them in October 27 in class.
Reading Assignment: Read Sections 11, 12, and 13
of your textbook, pages 195-262, by November 3.
Do these problems and hand them in November 5 in class.
Reading Assignment, October 20: Read Sections 16 and 17
of your textbook, pages 299-344, by November 10.
Don't forget the midterm examination on November 12.
Reading Assignment, November 17: Read Sections 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 17.1, 17.2,
17.3, 22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 24.1 and 24.2 of your textbook, pages 299-320,
330-343, 440-450, and 498-510, by November 24.
Do these problems and hand them in November 24
in class.
Reading Assignment, November 24: Read Chapters 23, 25, and 34
of your textbook, pages 463-497, 514-549, and 853-885, by December 3.
Do these problems and hand them in December 8.
in class.
Reading Assignment, December 3: Read Chapter 24, Sections 33.1, 33.2
33.3, 33.4, 33.5, 33.6, and Chapter 36
of your textbook, pages 498-513, 801-837, and 916-963, by December 10.
Do these problems and hand them in December 10
in class.
Don't forget the final examination on December 17. The scheduled time
for the final is 6:00 PM, and it will be of two hours duration.

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