University of Nevada Las Vegas
Howard R. Hughes
College of Engineering
School of Computer Science
My Home Page
Computer Science 477/677
Advanced Analysis of Algorithms
Spring 2011
Revised January 20, 2011.

Dr. Larmore
Office, TBE B378B.
Telephone ☎ 702-895-1096,
larmore "at" cs "dot" unlv "dot" edu
Office Hours:
Subject to change.
12:30 -- 1:30 Tuesdays and Thursdays.
2:30 -- 3:30 Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Contacting Me:
It's best to send me email.
Be sure to write "CS477" (or "CS677") in the subject field
so that I know what the message is about. (I delete lots of messages
without reading them, based on the subject fields.)
You may also telephone my office and leave a message.
Please, never try to communicate with me by leaving notes on my
door, under my door, or in my mailbox in the department office, as
those notes get lost, and I can't retrieve them remotely.
If it is absolutely necessary to give me something, please leave it
with the department staff, but do not put it into my mailbox or push
it under my door. In this case, please also send me an email message
stating that the item has been left for me.
Days of Instruction:
January 18, 2011 -- March 10, 2011
March 22, 2011 -- May 5, 2011
Time of Instruction:
4:00 - 5:15,
Tuesday and Thursday.
Place of Instruction:
- TBE B176.
Final Examination:
Tuesday, May 10, 2011, 6:00 -- 8:00 PM
Introduction to Algorithms,
by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles Leiserson, Ron Rivest, and Cliff Stein,
ISBN 0-262-03293-7.
We are using the
CS 302
(Introduction to Data Structures) (Formerly CSC 269)
MAT 351
(Discrete Mathematics II).
if you did not take both
CSC 269 and MAT 351 at UNLV and receive a grade of "C" or better in
each of those two courses.
Graduate Students:
If you want graduate credit, you must enroll in 677, not 477.
Each CSC 677 student must turn in at least one
challenge problem and turn it in by the last week of class.
CS 477 students are also permitted to work challenge problems, but
I will not permit students to improve a poor grade in this manner.
The reason for this policy is that I want students who are doing poorly
in the course to devote their energy to mastering the regular material.
Written Homework:
will be assigned, collected, and graded.
You are permitted to discuss homework.
The first examination will be
February 17, 2011.
The second examination will be
March 31, 2011.
The final examination will be
May 10, 2011.
Your grade will be based on the three examinations and on homework.
Although the homework will take a substantial amount of time to work,
and will actually be harder than the examinations,
it counts for only a small part of the grade. The reason for this is
that I allow you to work together on homework. If you work the homework
regularly, you should do well on the examinations.