DFS is broken into "phases."  At the beginning and the end of each
phase, the stack is empty.  During each phase, we visit one or more
nodes.  We assume that there is an "initial order" of the nodes, and
when the stack is empty, we start the new phase with the "first"
unvisited node.

The basic idea is to execute DFS twice.  During the first execution,
each node x is labeled with a finishing_time, that being the value of
the clock at the point that we know we have finished visiting all
nodes reachable from x.

In the second excution of DFS, we first sort the nodes in reverse
order, using the finishing times, and that becomes our new initial
ordering.  Each time we visit a node, we assign its leader to be
the first node we visited in that phase.  Each phase ends when the
stack is empty.
1.  Initialize the array "visited" to false for every node.
2.  Let t := 0.  (t is the "clock.")
3.  S := empty stack.
4.  For i from 1 to n, execute the following:
	If not visited(x_i) then execute the following: %% NEW PHASE
		a.  visited(x_i) := true.
		b.  push x_i onto S.
		c.  while S is not empty, execute the following loop:
			i.  Let y = top(S).  (This is peeking!)
			ii.  If y has no unvisited out-neighbors
					t := t+1
					finishing_time(y) := t
					pop (i.e., delete y from S)
					let z := any unvisited out-neighbor
                                                 of y
					visited(z) := true
					push z onto S

5.  Sort the nodes in reverse order by finishing time.
That is, we will relabel the nodes as x_1, ... x_n,
where finishing_time(x_i) > finishing_time(x_j) if i < j.
6.  Re-initialize "visited" to be false for every node.
7.  S := empty stack.
8.  For i from 1 to n, execute the following:
	If not visited(x_i) then execute the following: %% NEW STRONG COMPONENT
		a.  leader(x_i) := x_i
		b.  visited(x_i) := true.
		c.  push x_i onto S.
		d.  while S is not empty, execute the following loop:
			i.  Let y = top(S).  (This is peeking!)
			ii.  If y has no unvisited out-neighbors
					pop (i.e., delete y from S)
					let z := any unvisited out-neighbor
                                                 of y
					visited(z) := true
					leader(z) := x_i
					push z onto S