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Give the sequence of configurations of tex2html_wrap_inline412 if the input is tex2html_wrap_inline398 .

Finally, we construct a DPDA tex2html_wrap_inline448 that emulates tex2html_wrap_inline412 . In this emulation, one step of tex2html_wrap_inline412 might be emulated by more than one step of tex2html_wrap_inline448 . We shall use the same state names as much as possible. A DPDA must pop exactly one symbol, and cannot ``peek'' at the next input symbol without reading it. In order to emulate a step of tex2html_wrap_inline412 that pops more than one symbol, intermediate states are introduced, such as 4.1, 4.2, 7.1. tex2html_wrap_inline448 can read a symbol and store it into a buffer. When the emulated tex2html_wrap_inline412 is supposed to read, tex2html_wrap_inline448 examines the buffer. The buffer is implemented by proliferating the states. For example, state 3.b is identical to state 3, except that b is in the buffer.


Lawrence L Larmore
Mon Mar 15 14:23:25 PST 1999